Wednesday, January 17, 2007

On 9/11

Over dinner, 2 days ago, with P and A:

P: So what did you feel when those planes flew into the World Trade Center?
Me: Nothing. Nothing at all.
P: ...!
Me: Well, actually, I went to download some porn with some Arab guys in it and wanked.
P: ...!!!
Me: WHAT!?!?
P: You're a monster!!!
Me: WHY!!??! Tell me, for example: do you ever desire to possess your girlfriend in an unnatural manner?
P: ??
A: He means bugger her.
P: Oh... well, no, not really... why?
Me: See? You don't want to penetrate her from behind. I didn’t feel a thing on 9/11. Same thing.


Anonymous said...

Uncanny. On reading the dialogue it is as if I was in the room with you... 8=O

Lady V said...

Oh god, I'm so glad I'm NOT in in the room with you.

By the way, where is your list of links to friends' blogs? Oh, I forgot, that would be too petit bourgeois... Or something.